Spring term 1
Year 3 enjoyed creating some wax resist pictures in art this week 🎨

Year 3 have been enjoying reading the story Lights on cotton rock in English, lots of the pages do not have words so we have been thinking about what the characters will be feeling and have been writing our own speech for these pages 📖 ✏️
Chinese new year 🧧 🐍 We made some snakes
Jumping in PE

During children’s mental health week so in year 3 we have been talking about how important it is to look after our minds as well as our bodies 🧠 We have discussed different ways of doing this and year 3 decided that being kind to others and ourselves was a good way to have good mental health so we filled our cups with positivitea! ☕️ Thinking about the nice things we could say to ourselves and others ✨