The primary purpose of the KIDSAFE children's programme is to equip our children with effective skills to keep themselves safe from the various forms of child abuse without shattering their innocence.
The children's programme is delivered in the classroom with active participation from children and class teachers. The course material is age appropriate with key messages being delivered through a variety of media including song, rhyme and action, puppetry, group discussion, games and worksheets.
During the programme the children cover a range of topics including, their own feelings (happy/sad), respecting and valuing their own bodies and bullying
Children devise strategies (as a group and as individuals) for keeping themselves safe. Strategies include the confidence and ability to say ‘NO’ to anything that makes them feel uncomfortable, and children identify their own support network of trusted adults that they can turn to if they are scared or worried about anything.
Miss Rushton is our Kidsafe Tutor and has received extensive training in how to deliver the full Kidsafe programme plus Cyber Bullying. The Kidsafe programme is delivered throughout school to all the children.
St James’ CE Junior School is a registered Kidsafe School which shows our commitment to child protection and safeguarding.
Kidsafe Programme
Session One
Building Trust and Feelings
Session Two
Bullying, Saying "No" and Trusted Adults
Session Three
Computer / Internet Safety - Age Ratings
Session Four
Keeping Private Places Safe and Children's Rules
Session Five
Parent / Carers Arguing
Session Six (three months later)
Full Course Recap
Remember KS says if you have Yukky Feelings
"Say no, walk away, tell a trusted grown up."