Autumn 1
As a school, we have been collecting for the food bank for Harvest this year. A couple of children from Year 4 got to take the items and hand these over to the food bank 😊. Thank you to everyone for their support.
Stone Age day - We’ve had lots of fun learning all about the Stone Age and how they lived. We even got to have a try at lighting our own little fire, using the tools.


This half-term, we have had lots of fun learning about traditional Indian music - we’ve learnt to create our own rag and drone and Tal. We finished today by performing an Indian traditional nursery rhyme - Anile Vaa
We’ve been working hard extending our sentences this week, adding subordinate conjunctions and clauses. Super work!
Year 4B celebrated ‘Hello Yellow’ day, we thought about Kindness and filled our own class Kindness jar, we wrote compliments for our friends in school. We talked about our feelings and what makes us happy 😊
4B really enjoyed participating in Yogi Yoga this afternoon (11.10.22) 😊
Year 4 have really enjoyed our music unit on traditional Indian music. They were able to improvise and create their own rag music.