During this unit in PE, we learned how to carry out overarm serves, lobbing and smash techniques, predominantly in tennis and badminton. We had to learn how to handle various raqcuets.
Throughout the unit, we honed in our skills with nifty footwork-using the ladder for nimble feet-and of course how to move around a court at speed. The final lesson was inspired by the students as they developed small team games, with a point scoring system, which included the skills developed.
The success criteria outside of skills were also developed:
communication, compromise and co-operation.
ART-I need space
From studying, extracting, discussing, developing and tinkering, with a variety of mediums, Year 6 created their own futuristic space images. The students were really taken with this unit and enjoyed learning abut what people used to think the future would look like. The students were so keen that they developed some of their pieces initially, using digital art, before creating their templates for printing. This was a tricky job and took a few attempts to crack this technique.
Our results are unique!
Maths Investigations
Maths Investigations! What are they?
This term, we have been trying to talk about our Maths skills and knowledge. We are trying to reason and explain your thoughts and methods to each other, in order to secure and challenge our current abilities. Little did Year 6 realise this include a 'trial and error'approach. This was a a new skill and required some support using concrete objects to reason thinking. We have now successfully managed to navigate the classroom resources to maximise learning potential. Our focus now is the recording process. Great resilience Year 6!
BAKING-Maths Investigation skills
We are undertaking putting our knowledge of 'Ratio' into practice. So far, our biscuit making has been a huge success...more images to follow!
Chinese New Year Celebrations!
Kung Hei Fat Choi! Happy Chinese New Year! Today, we immersed ourselves in learning about the culture, beliefs and traditions of China We created our own pieces of work to explain how the lunar new year works and how the Chinese zodiac came to be. We also discovered how important the dragon was and worked collaboratively to create these amazing pieces for our cloakroom areas. Collaboration, planning skills and creativity. Fabulous! We also had our fortune from a cookie and used chopsticks at lunchtime!
We are a Happy Mind school!
Our Happy Minds work this half term has been about 'Celebrate' your strengths! This has led us to creating pick and mix bags about our character strengths. We chose one we thought we displayed daily, then we asked our classmates to help identify those hidden strengths we cannot always see in ourselves. It was heartwarming to hear such positivity in the classroom about each other, but more lovely for each individual to hear what others think of them. Their pick and mix bags were a joy!
Children's Mental Health Week!

Children's Mental Health Week
This week, we have been looking at the theme of know yourself, grow yourself. This has been intrinsically linked to our work in Happy Minds, identifying and understanding our character strengths. We have talked about leadership in our Collective Worship, Class Worship we have discussed memory boxes and how special memories make you feel on this inside; including how to control and release our emotions.